You may know our local mailman – Clarence. But did you know he is retiring this September? Please wish him all the best if you see him before his September departure.
Clarence is Retiring!
A Friendly Sub in the Heart of Canton
You may know our local mailman – Clarence. But did you know he is retiring this September? Please wish him all the best if you see him before his September departure.
A number of neighbors on Antietam dr. have expressed interest in having a going away gathering for Clarence. Is it possible to have a sub going away gathering? Before he left we got his phone number so we can call him and invite him. He has been with us for 25+ years and has watched all our kids grow up and has been a source of good will and wonderful service.
Thanks to our neighbors for putting together the quilt. Was so happy I was home to be able to sign it. Such toughtful neighbors!